A powerful March storm has been lashing the West Coast and shifting southward –– posing a particular threat to communities ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Evacuation warnings have been issued for parts of Los Angeles County, near burn scar areas due to high mudslide and debris flow risks.
A State Farm executive was fired over an undercover video of comments he made about the insurer's California rate hike ...
Assistance from FEMA can help individuals with rental assistance, temporary housing, home repairs, personal property losses ...
A storm soaking the state on Wednesday and Thursday is bringing new danger to the area hit by wildfires earlier this year.
L.A. rents have risen 0.7% for the first two months of the year, more than double the 0.3% increase for local units a year ...
Fire investigators have not found Edison responsible for the Eaton Fire — but mounting lawsuits heighten concerns about its ...
Wildfires that destroyed two neighborhoods made the state’s housing shortage even worse. Now, opposition is growing to ...
A powerful storm dropping drenching rain on flood-prone Southern California is raising concern among forecasters that it ...