Special Olympics, India

Polar Plunges are taking place across the state to raise money for the Special Olympics Ohio. The Indian Lake plunge ...
On March 21-22, Special Olympics athletes from all over central and western Kansas will converge on Hays. Athletes will have ...
Holden Williamson is inspired to run for Special Olympics Massachusetts, an organization that has provided him a ...
India concluded their campaign at the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Turin, Italy, with a total of 33 medals, ...
Special Olympics Lake County is holding its 26th annual Big Footer 5K Race and Walk on March 23. The 3.1-mile course runs ...
Special Olympics Iowa held their Spring Classic in Iowa City, hosting over 1,200 participants.Competitors participated in 4 ...
WINTHROP, Maine (WABI) - Over 100 braved the icy waters of Maranacook Lake for the 13th annual Ice Out Plunge Saturday, as ...
ESPN's Debbie Antonelli shoots thousands of free throws and makes almost all of them to support Special Olympics. Why?