After reuniting with his good buddy Aaron Rodgers in 2024, Davante Adams may depart with his two-time teammate, as the New York Jets are cutting both loose this offseason. And, it's possible a Super Bowl contender could come calling for Adams' services.
NFL Network's Ian Rapoport reports that the New York Jets are fielding calls on wide receiver Davante Adams, hoping to offload his massive salary before the new league year begins on March 12.
Davante Adams' fate with the New York Jets has finally been revealed, and the result is what we all have expected.
The Davante Adams Era in New York is all but over, as NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport recently revealed the wide receiver will join a new team in the coming weeks.
Major changes could be well on the way for the New York Jets, and not just regarding their superstar quarterback, Aaron Rodgers. The Jets are reportedly also looking to move off All-Pro wide receiver Davante Adams.