Elliot Williams, Al Williams, and a dozen or so great hacks. The question? What do you get this week on the Hackaday podcast ...
There are some interesting questions afoot, with the news that the Contec CMS8000 medical monitoring system has a backdoor.
As great as silicon is for semiconductor applications, it has one weakness in that using it for lasers isn’t very practical. Never say never though, as it turns out that you can now grow ...
If you’re someone who moves a lot, or just likes to change your decor, the limitations of conventional furniture can be a bit of a pain. Why not build your furniture modularly, so it can ...
This video disappeared, but it has been archived here. We’re leaving the original links as-were in case they come back up.] ...
Do you make things, and have you got almost ten minutes to spare? If not, make the time because this video by [PrintLab] is chock-full of healthy and practical design tips. It’s about ...
Those little ESP32-CAM boards which mate the WiFi-enabled microcontroller with a small parallel-interface camera module have been with us for years, and while they are undeniably cool to play ...
A well-known secret in the world of open source software is that many projects rely on donated hosting for everything from ...
We may have found the killer app for AI. Well, actually, British telecom provider O2 has. As The Guardian reports, they have an AI chatbot that acts like a 78-year-old grandmother and receives ...
As a general rule of thumb, anything that has some kind of display output and a processor more beefy than an early 90s budget ...
Have you ever wished you could experiment with different layouts super easily, just by adding or removing a few switches here and there and printing a new case? Well, [heyisjambo] says that ...
Although much diminished now, the public switched telephone network was one of the largest machines ever constructed. To make ...