During a live, interactive session with educators, students can explore some of the galleries at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, and see photographs, works of art, and film. They can learn ...
Your generous donation will be used to ensure the memory of our Defence Forces and what they have done for us, and what they continue to do for our freedom remains – today and into the future.
Author Kelly, William E., 1914-; Neuropsychiatric Institute (U.S.) (25th : 1982 : Veterans Administration Medical Center, Coatesville, Pa.); ...
Author Great Britain. War Office.; Great Britain. War Office. Army Advisory Standing Committee.; ...
Pagination 1 ms. map : col. ; 122 x 148 cm. Note Several joined sheets from a Japanese topographical map series showing the area around Rabaul on New Britain, Papua New Guinea, and annotated by hand ...
Author Gordon, Lawrence L. (Lawrence Lee); Nicholson, J. B. R. ed.; ...
Your generous donation will be used to ensure the memory of our Defence Forces and what they have done for us, and what they continue to do for our freedom remains – today and into the future.
Author Edmonds, James E. (James Edward), Sir, 1861-1956.; Becke, Archibald F. (Archibald Frank), b. 1871.; Miles, Wilfrid, 1885-1962.; AWM036015 940.341 O32/6 v. 1 ...
Note FIRST only. A single sheet from the Vietnam/Indochina 1:50 000 topographical map series (L701) covering the area around Tieu Teo mountain in the central Vietnamese province of Darlac (modern Dac ...