Britain’s Science Museum has a “Seeing Things Queerly" tour that argued the way Legos are described as fitting together ...
The Science Museum, a publicly funded museum in Britain, describes the fastening mechanism in Lego bricks as “gendered” and ...
A new exhibition at the Science Museum in the UK has made the claim that Lego is anti-LGBT because it promotes the idea that ...
The initiative, dubbed “Being Human,” will include exhibits, a digital series, and other events that aim to “examine the ...
As the controversy snowballed, even Tesla boss Elon Musk chimed in by sharing the story with a clown face emoji.
The exhibition has generated a variety of reactions from individuals and organisations defending gender "theory" but the ...
The Science Museum has sparked controversy by suggesting Lego can be anti-LGBT due to the way people describe the toy's ...
The London Science Museum has received backlash for a recent development to an exhibit displayed that attempts to reinforce ...
The Science Museum faced backlash on social media over a display claiming Lego blocks can be anti-LGBT. This comes as a ...
The Science Museum in London is running a self-guided tour called 'Seeing Things Queerly' which states that Lego blocks can ...
LGBT, the Science Museum has said. A self-guided museum tour on “stories of queer communities, experiences and identities” includes a display of Lego bricks alongside a guide stating the plastic ...
A self-guided tour at the museum titled Seeing Things Queerly accuses the toy of reinforcing 'heteronormativity.' ...