Bell details this search in a recent interview with The New Yorker, and discusses his invitation to Christians interested in a different kind of church, "one that can keep pace with the rising ...
Billy Graham's grandson, Tullian Tchividjian, has resigned as the pastor of a Florida megachurch after admitting an adulterous relationship. Tchividjian, 43, the son of Graham's eldest daughter ...
Just hours after announcing earlier Wednesday that his father was "holding up" despite being told by a hospice over the weekend that the elder Furtick "had just a few hours to live," the North ...
The Syrian crisis is now two-and-a-half years old. and the damage of the conflict seems only to be worsening. Fuelled by an increasing stream of jihadists with a stated goal of establishing an Islamic ...
The Manhattan megachurch pastor's message offered a practical example of how to preach Jesus and the gospel using the Old Testament – the theme for this year's Gospel Coalition national conference.
This pastor, apologist and writer had a profound impact on evangelicalism in the second half of the twentieth century, and his impact is still very much felt today. Although he has been dead now for a ...
Perhaps the saying 'Behind every great man there is a great woman' should be expanded to 'Behind every great man there are two great women: his mother and his wife.' This is certainly true in the case ...
Photos of the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park that began circulating fishing forums last week have conjured up apocalyptic images, with one preacher from Indiana saying the lake is ...
Gunmen who said they intended to kill a Christian in Mogadishu, Somalia for spreading his faith shot him to death last month, the victim's neighbour said. Two men armed with pistols shot Abdikhani ...
In the Book of Genesis, God makes a promise with Noah to never again flood the earth. As a sign of that vow, God creates a rainbow, explaining in chapter nine, verse 13 (NIV): "I have set my rainbow ...
He and his wife, Joni, who are founders of Daystar Television Network, made the announcement during the "Celebration" TV program. The couple decided to tell the public about the affair after three ...
The Salvation Army has encouraged people who have lost contact with loved ones to connect to its Family Tracing Service as National Missing Persons Week kicks off. The annual campaign, which runs from ...