Barcelona delivered a stunning 5-0 victory over Valencia in the Copa del Rey quarterfinals. Ferran Torres netted a hat-trick (3', 17', 30'), while Fermín López (23') and Lamine Yamal (59') also scored ...
A vintage tram has made its way back to Tashkent. It has been placed on Gulkhaniy Street in the "Katta Aktepa" neighborhood of Shaykhantahur district, where it will serve as a symbol of a new 24-hour ...
A federal judge in Washington ordered the administration of US President Donald Trump to revoke an executive order that suspended foreign aid programs for 90 days and to resume such programs ...
Trump's views and methods differ from those of the traditional American political elite, which prioritizes material interests and relegates international law and traditional diplomacy to second place.
<p class="noscriptwarning">Warning: This webmail service requires Javascript! In order to use it please enable Javascript in your browser's settings.</p> ...
Foto: Getty images «Roma» klubi fevral oyi yakunlariga ko‘ra, oyning eng yaxshi futbolchisi nomi uchun ovoz berish ...
Toshkent viloyatida yana 7 kilodan ziyod bo‘lgan chaqaloq tug‘ildi, deb xabar bermoqda SSV axborot xizmati. Unga ko‘ra, ...
Ispaniya La Ligasi 26-turidan o‘rin olgan "Real Betis" - "Real Madrid" uchrashuvi uchun madridliklarning asosiy tarkibi bilan ...
Фото: Getty images «Рома» клуби феврал ойи якунларига кўра, ойнинг энг яхши футболчиси номи учун овоз бериш якунларини эълон ...
Тошкент вилоятида яна 7 килодан зиёд бўлган чақалоқ туғилди, деб хабар бермоқда ССВ ахборот хизмати. Унга кўра, Янгийўл шаҳар ...
Vladimir Putin Ukrainaga urush boshlaganini tushuntirishda, ikkita qarama-qarshi qarash, pozitsiya bor. Bu qarashlardan biri ...
Angliya kubogi doirasida bo‘lib o‘tadigan "Manchester Siti" - "Plimut" uchrashuvi uchun "shaharliklar"ning asosiy tarkibi ...